Sacramento's Japantown was destroyed by WWII evacuation and urban redevelopment projects of the 1950s and ‘60s. In 1940, Sacramento Japantown held over 3,400 residents who operated 79 hotels, 44 community organizations, 31 restaurants, 26 markets, 15 barber shops, 14 laundries, and over 255 other businesses. With only 5% of the pre-WWII structures remaining, the Nisei Veterans Hall and Japanese American Civil Liberties historic monument modestly stands at 1515 4th Street, hidden behind the looming Capitol Mall.
M. Dagett Undertaker
506 O Street, Sacramento
M. K. Liquors
321 L Street, Sacramento
Maeda Piano Studio
718 P Street, Sacramento
Marcy Hospital
41st St. and J Sts, Sacramento
Mitsu Hardware Store
1229 4th St, Sacramento
Miura Liquors
1319 4th St, Sacramento
Miyake Chevrolet Agent
1827 3rd St, Sacramento
Miyamoto Plumber
525 N Street, Sacramento